NO PRONGminiature Medal Attachment: Hourglass - gold


SKU: 7708750NP

UPC: 24768127908

NO PRONGminiature Medal Attachment: Hourglass - gold


SKU: 7708750NP

UPC: 24768127908

No Prong Miniature medal attachment gold hourglass. The initial presentation of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal is authorized with the bronze hourglass denoting ten years of reserve service. At twenty years of service, the hourglass is upgraded to silver and at thirty years the hourglass becomes gold. For those who complete forty years of reserve service, the gold and bronze hourglass devices are worn simultaneously. This is the only case where hourglasses are worn together; in all other cases the hourglass device is upgraded to the next higher award degree and is worn as a single device.

  • Individually priced.
  • Please note:  There is NO PRONG backing on the device.